Thursday, October 06, 2005

Ode to TiVo™

Prior to our move we had the DirecTV version of TiVo™ (the “DVR”) and in no small measure, it changed my life! In the year we had it, I’d watched about 11 commercials. I LOVED it. I was no longer a slave to the network schedules. I had become relatively conversant in water cooler gossip about Trump’s latest hire, and I was able to satisfy my The Amazing Race jones on a weekly basis. Prior to that, since the birth of Baby Moon, I missed every new show that was released and hadn’t a clue who Veronica Mars was or why she was interesting. But now? We’re back to that ignorant and desolate existence. No DVR and no TiVo™. I find myself forgetting that I've been shoved through the WayBack Machine to preTiVoric times and I'll push the Pause button on my remote as I get up to go to the bathroom or I'll attempt to fast forward through some idiotic soft porn Victoria’s Secret commercial only to find that I am back to living in real time and not that gloriously innovative view-on-demand world in which I had fallen in love. Damn! Why must crappy television thwart me like the scorned lover it has become? Why have you forsaken me, TiVo™? Why????

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