Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Next Up, Anti-Choicers Recruit at a NOW Meeting

Apparently, this flyer was handed out at the Central Market in Austin, Texas, which is slightly smarter than handing them out at the pride parade, but only by a teensy weensy, nearly-invisible margin. Admitted, I don't know very much about Texas, but one thing I do know (and only because a couple of awesome men I know, and yes, they are a "couple" too moved there) is that Austin is perhaps the only place in the Land of Texas that gay and lesbian people feel relatively comfortable. Granted, it's no Castro or P-Town, but it apparently provides a sense of accessibility to gays and lesbians.

What makes this even more absurd, is the fact that these flyers were passed out at teh Central Market, the equivalent of Andronico's in Berkeley or Bread n' Circus in Cambridge. I can't think of a better place to whine about how your "traditional" marriage is threatened by what the neighbors do than at an upscale hippie-ish grocery store. Central Market (again, I know this because of those lovely men) is where you go to buy your granola in bulk, your soap by the pound, and your organic wines with cute drawings on the front accompanied by stinky cheeses you swore not to spend money on next time. Not exactly a hotbed for the braindead Wonder Bread lovers who are actually unthinking enough to vote against the rights of their neighbors.

Although I've known the occasional organic food lover to be a wingnut, I always thought they were the oddity. Now, sadly, I'm learning that organic foods and bad politics have no necessary connection. Apparently, Whole Foods isn't owned by a liberal either.

What next? Will I find a "pro-clubbing baby harp seals" posters stuck to my windshield when I finish shopping at the cheese co-op?

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