Friday, February 19, 2010

Trip Crazy

I recently came across a funny, interesting and creative traveling website called Nowhere Magazine where just a few people write about their travel experiences.  Many of them seem very food-focused, so my interests couldn’t be more cleanly met.  Food & Travel.  If I didn’t have such a need to be creative (“too creative” some might say), that’s exactly what I would call any travel blog/magazine that I created.  Too apt.  

Anyway, perusing this site made me crave more travel (and food, but that’s a different entry) and highlighted how little traveling I’ve done over the past few years.  I used to travel abroad and domestically every few months it seemed.  Now, hardly at all.  Granted, most of my time over the past six years has been wholly consumed with being a mom, wife, lawyer, good doobie, poor, etc. but that’s really no excuse.  Well, except the being “poor” part.  That tends to put a wrinkle in any well-laid travel plans.  Nevertheless, I really want to do more traveling in the coming years.  Good friends that MMoon and I adore are actually willing (well, at least until they get to know us better) to travel with us – hopefully to Italy where we will share a villa, food, wine, art and history.  So, my plan for 2010 and beyond is to find a way to get around more (in a travel-sense of course, as I’ve already done my “getting around” in other senses. [badumpbump]).  

Leave a comment and tell me your travel hopes, dreams, stories.  I'd love to hear them.


Matthew said...

A travel and food blog would suit you perfectly. Your incredible way with words create stories within stories.

I, too, yearn to travel more. My travel within the US is far more robust than my travels abroad. I want to change that, while not ignoring a number of great places I have yet to visit in the US. I'm --->here<--- with you on the poor thing, but that can be overcome.

We would travel with you guys anytime...anywhere!

clara said...

As a child I traveled to Italy every four years to visit my grandmother. It was wasted on me, in a sense, as I didn't speak the language and tended towards surliness. I would love to go back, take my father, my kids, my husband, see it all again. I really need my dad for this, as it's his home town, but he refuses to go back...because it's his home town. Might have to kidnap him.

My best trip was the 2.5 months in the summer of 1999 that my now-husband and I spent driving across America (and Canada, but as we are Canadian, this was not as exciting). We didn't get all the way to the East Coast but we visited New Orleans and Chicago, which were my fantasy cities, and we camped in national parks and ate a lot of Taco Bell and lost 20 lbs each and sweated like maniacs and hated Mississippi and loved Arkansas and came back bleached, carefree, broke, happy.


Warren Bobrow said...

I grew up between a farm in NJ and all the countries in Europe. My grandfather was in the pharma biz and my father was head of one of the divisions. This afforded my sister and I multi-month vacations in the most incredible settings of Europe, the Ivory Coast and Brazil. This experience infuses my writing and gives a depth of experience not found in travel guides. I hope to find the time to write about it.

Nikki Neurotic said...

Back in 2006 I got myself a passport. I was planning on heading to Australia with my bff as a post graduation experience-unfortunately, the trip never materialized for several reasons and my passport has been unused.

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